Saturday 13 April 2013

Farewell Japan

We've just stepped of our plane from Tokyo and waiting for our Melbourne flight, so our final day isn't over yet but we have bid farewell to Japan.

Our final few hours were spent back in Tokyo exploring the area near our first hotel that we didn't get a chance to see.

It is mainly a sea of tall office buildings and shopping but in between there are a few hidden surprises.

One if these is a Kite Museum that was jam packed with not only kites but photos, ribbons, badges and just about anything with a kite on it.

A short walk away is the bridge that all distances in Japan are measured from. It is hidden under a freeway that runs over the top of the river and a very busy thoroughfare but it has some ornate decoration befitting its importance.

Finally back to Tokyo Station where the sheer number of stores and people is hard to comprehend. We have walked around here a number of times on different days and still found places we hadn't seen before.

After returning to our hotel to collect our bags we boarded the airport bus and bid farewell to Tokyo.

It has been a much more rewarding experience that either of us could ever have imagined, hopefully we will be back to discover more of Japan soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Luke
    Your blog and travel pics look amazing. My group - Project Group Three - will be launching our website this weekend which I thought you may be interested in as it's all about travel. Will post up the link later this week...please feel free to browse and give us your thoughts..we'd love to hear from you. Christine
