Thursday 6 June 2013

Back in the air again

It's been a while since my last post and return from Japan. It seems like it was 5 years ago as it's been frantic since the day we got back. We still haven't had a chance to go through the 6000 or so photos from the trip or fully digest everything we experienced. I know Japan will be a place that we visit again;  even if it is in many years time.

The long weekend sounds like the perfect time to catch up on our last trip but instead we're heading back out into the sky for Auckland. I haven't been to Auckland (except the airport) for almost 8 years and Tamie has never seen outside a New Zealand airport. The weather is looking very similar to Melbourne, the time difference isn't an issue nor is language this time. Really looking forward to exploring another city and sharing some of the discoveries we make this weekend.

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