Sunday 7 April 2013

Kyoto: Kinkakuji, Royanji and Arashiyama

We awoke to driving rain this morning that only relented at 9pm tonight. This made for a very tough day of touring. Disappointingly this also prevented us from using bicycles instead of walking and public transport.

On to the bus we went for our first stop at Kinkakuji, better known as the Golden Pavilion. This is truly one of the most spectacular sights I have ever seen. The setting was actually added to by the weather, and the gardens surrounding were just about at there best.

Next stop was Ryoanji Temple that is known for its zen garden and Sakura. Again the rain actually added to the serenity of the temple, which also allowed a much closer look at the original artwork on the walls than most other places.

By this stage we were beginning to struggle keeping the rain out so we headed for the nearest station that just happened to be for a tram. The ride actually took us into the heart of our next destination, Arashiyama, when our original plan did not.

Arashiyama is a beautiful village surrounded by hills and a river but the real highlight is the Path of Bamboo. This forest of bamboo makes a magical path to walk along with several temples and shrines along the way. It was also a chance to look up close at some of the different ways of Japanese life as we passed a number of house, farms and workshops.

On return to Kyoto we caught up on some washing before dinner. We ate on the 6th floor of a department store near us. It actually has 12 or so restaurants on the one floor. The really enjoyable part of the evening was looking around the store after dinner at the appliances and devices we don't get in Australia.

Our last day in Kyoto tomorrow will be spent at the ancient capital Nara a short train ride from town. More rain is forecast but we're determined to make the most of our time here.

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