Thursday 11 April 2013

Tokyo DisneySea

We have covered a lot of ground over the past two days and now we're enjoying our final night in Japan. The poor wifi at our hotel resulted in a post about the past two days - the journey back to Tokyo and DisneySea - rather than individual posts.

We had another decadent meal at our Miyajima ryokan before starting our 1000km journey back to Tokyo. The trip involved a ferry, 2 local trains, 2 Shinkansen, a monorail and finally a bus that took us roughly 150 meters.

The highlight of the journey was being able to finally see Mt Fuji clearly. We have had a lot of overcast and misty weather in Japan but it was brilliantly clear as we passed Mt Fuji. It is an incredible site.

The part of the journey that really made us tired was carrying our luggage up and down numerous stair cases and ramps. Luckily we just missed Tokyo peak hour otherwise I'm not sure our bags would be in one piece.

The Disney Resort area in Tokyo consists of 2 different Disney Parks, hotels and shopping centres all connected by a monorail and not easy walking distance from each other.

The first night we ventured to the shopping area for dinner and a look around. Prices here were higher than elsewhere in Japan, some if the merchandise was high end international designer goods, bit not too bad. Tamie managed to find a new handmade optical frame that was a lot cheaper than it would be in Australia.

DisneySea took us most of today to tackle . It is not as big as other theme parks but there is a lot packed in. Designed around 5 different themed harbours it is different to Disneyland in a lot of ways but similar all the same. A lot more characters wandering around, more restaurants and shops plus unique rides.

So back in our room after the fireworks display getting ready to come home tomorrow. A half day to look at a few things we missed first time in Tokyo them homeward bound.

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