Friday 5 April 2013

Takayama to Kyoto

Another day and another long train trip. This time the sun was out so we were able to see a lot more on our way down the mountains than on the way up.

We had under 8 minutes to change trains and after sprinting through Nagoya station we made it with a minute to spare. Before we had a chance to catch our breath we were arriving in Kyoto.

After dropping our bags off at our Ryokan we headed for Nijo Castle. Built in 1603, it was home to the first shogun of Japan for 265 years during the Edo period. The original palace is fascinating to walk through and the immaculate gardens with the sakura in full bloom are a wonderful sight.

Crossing to the other side of Kyoto our next stop was Fushimi Inari Shrine. It was starting to get dark when we arrived but it didn't stop the hoards of people coming to see not only the shrine but the thousands of torii gates lined up in rows. It is a spectacular sight to behold.

We headed back to Kyoto for dinner and a walk around the town at night. It is easy to know where you are as the Kyoto Tower is lit up and higher than anything else in the skyline.

Early observations of Kyoto: There are a lot of bicycles here, more than any other place we have visited, and a lot of women (only a few men) dressed traditionally.

Tomorrow we have one of the busiest days of our trip exploring a lot of the old Kyoto shrines and temples. The forecast is for warmth so hopefully some good photos for us to share.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Luke, Kyoto is beautiful! Enjoy visiting the shrines and temples!
