Tuesday 2 April 2013

Hakone to Takayama

Most of today was spent on trains. Not the same type of trains: Shinkansen, trams and local commuters formed part of our 7 hour journey from Hakone to Takayama.

Retracing our steps from yesterday back to the Shinkansen station was made more difficult by the heavy rain. Fortunately we picked a break in the weather and were able to make it to the station without getting wet.

As much nostalgic fun as some of these trains have, nothing compares to the force of the Shinkansen. The only fault with them is the lack of food options on board. We purchased lunch in the station platform between services which wasn't too bad and beautifully presented.

The last leg of our journey took us through an area known as the "Rhine of Japan". The river was indeed fast flowing and different rich shades of blue as we travelled alongside it for an hour.

Finally arriving in Takayama the rain held off long enough for us to find our hotel, explore the centuries old town centre and find a place for dinner.

It is a wonderfully preserved town, and many of the centuries old buildings are sake breweries. The whole town is based around a river where we spotted wild koi. It is also surrounded by mountains that we will explore tomorrow.

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