Thursday 28 March 2013

Touchdown in Tokyo

After what seemed a very quick flight from Sydney to Tokyo we managed to disembark and clear customs in 15 minutes. That's better than most of the domestic flights I've been on!

We were so early that the Express Train was not due for an hour so onto the local train. Those images of people being pushed into trains is real and let's say having a suitcase in the middle of them all was an experience we wouldn't ever want to repeat.

Today has been spent exploring the gardens around the Imperial Palace, visiting Akihabara "Electric Town" and Ginza. The photos below are a taste of this. Even though peak cherry blossom season passed last weekend there are still some amazing spots on bloom.

One of the highlights of the day we didn't photograph was being asked questions by 4 high school girls and their teacher to improve their English. Very funny and surreal.

So off to bed for today, and hopefully some more interesting tales tomorrow.


  1. Wow, Luke! Have a wonderful time.

  2. Hey Luke and Tamie, trying to use your blog. Hope it works. Enjoyed you blog and photos so far. Mum and dad
