Monday 18 March 2013

Growing Confidence

My wife had been following my progress with Social Media and Communications Management with lot of interest. So much so tonight she has decided that a wiki space will not do for a workplace project and asked for my help in starting a blog.

It was quite fulfilling to be able to help set it up, answer questions and offer suggestions. 3 weeks ago it would have been trial and error but now I am confident enough to help out.

Now to get my head around the other 1000 social media platforms!


  1. I too am excited about using a blog for both personal and professional reasons, and can't wait to show others how to do it.

    1. Thanks for the comment Suzie. I think a blog is a very good way to have a controlled conversation with customers.

  2. Hi Luke, My husband follows lots of blogs which include personal interest and work (IT Geek). He loves them. I'm still getting my head around have a personal opinion out there for people to comment on although the responses have all been very encouraging.

  3. It has been good to read everyones blog and a great way to learn a bit about them.

    I think I'll transform mine away from Social Media learnings to something else next week to see if I can challenge myself to put good content up to keep people coming back to read it.

  4. I look forward to next week's read Luke. Well Done
