Saturday 16 March 2013


One of the most enjoyable parts of engaging in Social Media for Communications Management has been being able to listen and read about the South by Southwest Music Festival (#sxsw) occurring in Austin, Texas at the moment.

While #sxsw is not only a music festival anymore (a lot of last weeks social media news) it has been the part I have enjoyed the most on twitter because of the instant access to photos, reviews and videos (recorded and streamed). In the past all of this was available a few days or weeks after the event but this week it's felt like it was happening just down the road.

I can see how events like this in future will become truly global with Social Media. For now I'm just enjoying the new music.

For a snapshot have a look at:


  1. Hi Luke - It's interesting now how Twitter is used for a variety of reasons, isn't it? Maybe we won't need to go to concerts in the future, it will be fully available in our homes!

  2. Thanks Melinda. I was able to watch 3 sets live and free the other day so it's not too far away from stay at home concerts.
