Monday 11 March 2013

An interesting question

Speaking to a friend today about my Communication Management subject today, they recalled a question they had seen in a newspaper (yes a real newspaper) recently asked to a tech guru. If someone from 1950 was to arrive today, what would be the hardest thing to explain to them?

The answer: That we have a device in our pockets that has access to the entire knowledge of mankind, yet we use it to take video of amusing cats.

It made me think about he preconceptions that many people have about social media. For a long time now I have refused to engage in a lot of social media activities to keep my professional and social lives separate. I now understand its not the tools themselves but the way people use and engage with them. There is a choice to follow, share or post appropriately.

I'm now looking forward to finding ways to engage professionally with these tools.


  1. So true Luke re social tools. I often find many things that people share on social media sites to be inappropriate or unnecessary. I think some think that facebook is a place to air your dirty laundry!

  2. I couldn't agree more about Facebook . Thanks for the comment.

  3. There is a great quote that goes something like
    "We shape the Tools, then the tools shape us"

    Social media tools - blogs, microblogs, wikis, are here to stay and it is up to us to use them in creative and meaningful ways.

  4. That is a great quote Claire - thanks for the comment.

  5. Thanks Aaron. I can see how powerful these tools are if used correctly, it's just a case of learning how to use them all!
