Sunday 10 March 2013

A little bit about myself

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. My name is Luke Beeby, I am 31 and live with my wife on the fringe of Melbourne. I work as a Strategic Hospital Manager for Pfizer Australia that takes me across Victoria, Tasmania and, as of this year, South Australia. When I am home I enjoy getting out on my bicycle, following a number of sports, reading and travelling.

As for Social Media, it's been well over 10 years since I had anything in depth to do with it outside of some Podcasts and RSS feeds. At that stage the term Social Media wasn't coined yet, outside of talking to each other on ICQ and writing about life on Livejournal (both tools that just about no one would still
use today) email and SMS were the new ways to communicate.

I'm really looking forward to learning a lot more about this area over the next 11 weeks and hopefully it won't be so overwhelming by then.



  1. Great 1st Blog Luke! The 1st week has been a little overwhelming but I think we are all starting to get the hang of mot of it, I hope! :)

    1. Thanks Rebecca - I am starting to get my head around it all. An IPhone is a really useful tool for this subject, although I've already been accused of addiction to Twitter by my wife.

  2. Thanks for sharing Luke - and Rebecca, you're spot on with it being a little overwhelming!

    1. All I know is if I didn't have an IPhone I wouldn't be able to keep up. Thanks for the comment Ree

  3. Hi Luke, I love the look of your blog, it's awesome! Nice to hear about you, it sounds like you will be very busy in your job at Pfizer. Good luck!

    1. I did get a little carried away trying out all the options for the blog. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Welcome to the Blog-osphere Luke

  5. Hi Luke, glad to hear of someone else out there who isn't totally conversant with all types of social media. Its encouraging that there will be a few of us bumbling through together.
    Cheers, Suzie

    1. Thanks Suzie. I hope by the end of this we're all social media gurus.

  6. Hi Luke, your blog looks great. Yes, all this social media is new to me too but the more I use it the easier it becomes. Your job sounds great with the opportunity to travel from place to place at times. You mentioned Tasmania as one of them, I was hoping to get there for a holiday this year sometime. Would you recommend it?

    1. Thanks for the reply Lyndsey. After 50 flights last year and a lot of time away from home it starts tarts to get hard but at least I have been able to see a lot of places I never would have gone to otherwise.

      As for Tasmania it is a very beautiful place. Hobart is great for a few days, the east coast has some amazing natural wonders and some great food. It's a nice place to slow down for a week or so.

  7. Great Blog Luke. Well done! I quite like how you've set it up. I've yet to commplete mine - still having challenges with it but should be up very soon. Cheers, Christine

  8. Love your quotation, very inspiring! I remember the ICQ days.. LOL Good luck on your studies and I look forward reading your blogs
