Saturday 23 March 2013

Change of Direction

To date this blog has been based around the Social Media learning's I have experienced while undertaking the Communication Management subject. While it is always good to keep a journal, share your learns and reflect; the social media aspect of this subject dictates a number of different forums can (and should) be used to do this apart from just a blog.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading my fellow classmates blogs around their social media experiences, found Google+ to be a wonderful way to keep track of blog updates along with sharing resources found and Twitter for finding breaking news around social media. As I expected , I've gone overboard with RSS feeds to the point I need start again to reduce the volume of information coming in!

The different social media tools are useful in their own ways, but I can already see that there are some that I will continue to use and others that have limited appeal or value to me in the future. Rereading a lot of the earlier weeks content this blog was designed to be based around a personal area of interest or expertise. So I have decided to take on this challenge, try to keep everyone engaged with a different topic and have the view to keeping this blog running long after the subject has come to an end.

So before I start my new direction (a hint of things to come above) it has been worthwhile blogging about social media but its time for me to stop talking and start doing to truly understand it.


  1. Your blog is laid out so well Luke. Mine is plain - will have to work out how to snazz it up a little!!!

  2. Looking forward to the new direction, I and have enjoyed how you have found the social media journey so far

  3. I have enjoyed reading your blog and look forwarding to the 'new direction' you are to take. I too have enjoyed the social media journey and would like to continue my blog after the unit is finished.
