Monday 27 April 2015

Himeji and Osaka at Night

What we thought would be an easy day of strolling ended up being a very long day out. Our journey took us to Himeji,  around an hour from Osaka, to visit its enormous castle and the Kokoen gardens. Both were wonderful, and the town itself has a certain charm. We ended up spending much of the day there before joining the peak hour commute back to Osaka. Not a great idea with an overtired 9 month old but an experience we wouldn't of had otherwise. 

After a feeding, bathing and changing pot stop at our hotel we ventured back out into more peak hour chaos to visit the Osaka lights in Dōtonbori and sampling some Takoyaki. Osaka really is such a different place once the sun goes down.

Back to Tokyo tomorrow for the last part of our Japan Journey before we fly home on Thursday.

Himeji Castle



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