Friday 27 September 2013

Windsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge

I'm writing this on a long bus ride back through the English countryside to London. We've been on an exceptional day trip to Windsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge.

First site we arrived at was Windsor Castle, one of the Queen's official residences. While the town and castle are impressive from the outside, the State Apartments inside are stunning. The level of opulence and extravagant decoration are dazzling. These rooms combined with the grounds made this a very worthwhile stop. 

Back on the bus for a long journey to Bath. More than just ancient Roman baths based around Britain's only hot spring, this is a delightful town that unfortunately we didn't have time to explore more.

Final stop on the tour was Stonehenge. It is a very mystical place to visit and an excellent place to end our tour.

Tomorrow is our last day in London and we're going to the West side of town to round out or brief bit amazing time here.

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