Friday 27 September 2013

The city: Old and New

Misty start to today but it didn't impact our first stop too much: the Great Fire monument. At one stage the tallest structure in the city, it is 311 step climb up a spiral staircase to some sensational views over London.

From here we made our away to Tower Hill and began a long walk through the city. It was intriguing to see the mix of new and old buildings throughout the area, culminating with the sublime St Paul's cathedral.

We continued on to the overwhelming Museum of London. An exceptional collection of items detailing the history of London, it requires a whole day to truly see everything.

It is also here where we saw the old London city wall. Following the route of the old wall took us through the Smithfield Markets, back to the tube and a rest at our accommodation to let our feet recover.

Rest over we took off once again to Piccadilly Circus and Regent Street. Both very busy and quite magical as night rolled in.

Tomorrow we head off to Windsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge - a very long day.

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