Monday 23 September 2013

Arrived in Bloomsbury

After 20 odd hours in the air we have finally arrived in London! Flying often has it's advantages as I was able to secure seat 71D that has the seat in front removed leaving an endless amount of leg room.

The bad part about this flight is arriving in London at 5:30am on a Sunday. By the time we had made our way into the city it was still only 7:30am and we couldn't access our room until 2pm.

So we started walking around Bloomsbury, the area we're staying in. The walk took is past some homes of historical figures and through some beautiful squares before we reached the British Museum.

We arrived at opening time and it was already a mad house. Being sleep deprived doesn't help, but there is just so much to take in it can be overwhelming. The big see items are always crowded, like the Rosetta Stone, they are hard to see in detail. Yet we pushed on and really enjoyed seeing some of history's most important artefacts.

With good intentions to keep going on, we walked back to our hotel and checked in. When there is a bed and your sleep deprived it proved too much so we cut out day 1 stop short and get ready to see some of London's most famous sites tomorrow.

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