Tuesday 1 October 2013

Louvre, Eiffel Tower and lots between

Today we walked past a bakery (croissants for breakfast) on our way to the Louvre. We managed to beat many of the crowds getting in, however soon encountered them when viewing the Venus de Milo and Mona Lisa. 

From the Louvre we took a stroll through Jardin de Tuileries making our way to the l'orangerie. Inside we loved Monet's massive paintings of his pond from all different perspectives and times of day. 

Next, a walk along the Le Madeline Church to Ladivine for some world famous macaroons.  

Making our way to the Opera house we stopped for lunch at the Xxx. We had the most beautiful experience. The rooms were exquisitely painted and furnished, and our meals presented beautifully. 

After looking around the Opera house we jumped on the Metro and went to The Trocadero. Here we went inside the architecture museum and marine museums. From the architecture museum we were able to get a really good view of the Eiffel Tower. 

The next stop was the Eiffel Tower. Even with the sky being overcast the view was amazing.

By now it was almos time for dinner so a brief walk in the rain past the École Militaire to Rue Cler for a nice meal to end the day.

Tomorrow we are off to Montmartre and the Arc de Triomph, hopefully the rain holds off.

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